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Residents of Montague PEI are in for a surprise this coming Wednesday as sisters of CUPE Local 3373 prepare to sing alternative Christmas carols for their community.

Family, friends and a busload of CUPE New Brunswick supporters will join the striking Southern Kings Group Home workers as they sing equity-charged carols on Main Street.

After delighting and educating the community with songs like We all want some bread and roses to the tune of We wish you a merry Christmas, the crowd will make their way to a banquet room for some hot apple cider.

As the women rest their throats and warm their toes, the community plans to offer them free-range chickens and a Christmas tree donned with donations.

The women of CUPE Local 3373 have been on strike since May 29. They’re paid a third less than workers in the same classification with the same employer 40 kilometres away. They have no benefits and they’re paid 44 hours a week when they work 54.

Meanwhile the employer won’t come to the table, despite having four board members who enjoy union benefits and provincial leaders say they have no role in the talks.

But these women fight tough and they fight smart. They have tremendous community support and the CUPE family is there to help keep their spirits high.

Messages of support can be sent to 23 Summer Street, Charlottetown, PEI

C1A 2P7. You can send faxes to (902) 892-0452 or email c/o bmckinnon@cupe.ca. The Sisters also have a website at http://www.3373onstrike.com