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Qub0065c, Tuesday, October 21, 2003 The Socit des Arrimeurs de Qub0065c and the Port of Qub0065cs 60 longshoremen, affiliated members of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE FTQ) have signed a seven-year contract from June 1, 2003 to May 31, 2010.

Both parties have identified and settled the pending irritants from the former agreements, in particular those regarding schedule flexibility, said Guy Lamontagne, director of the Socit des Arrimeurs de Qub0065c that represents the various port employers and manages the longshoremens assignments. He also underlines that the Port of Qub0065cs customers will fully benefit from this new agreement. We can now manage the operations at the Port of Qub0065c more efficiently because of the effectiveness of the new procedures allowing us to gather rapidly, in a flexible way, the required working teams. We have also increased our contribution to the longshoremen pension fund, and we will be recruiting new staff.

Stp0068an Arsenault, president of the union, considers that the new collective agreement shows the willingness of the members to work closely with the Qub0065c stevedores. This new agreement provides us with the tolls to meet the clients needs regarding the personnel in a more efficient way. This contract not only assure our members the working hours stability and the peace of mind, but guarantees that jobs will be soon created.

Lets point out that the new collective agreement includes pay increases corresponding to CPI (from 2% to 3.5%) for the five first years and of 3.5% to 4.5% for the two last ones.

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Stp0068an Arsenault, pres. CUPE 2614, cell. 418-576-7063
Robert Bellerose, CUPE Communications, cell. 514-247-9266
Guy Lamontagne, Soc. des arrimeurs de Qub0065c, 418-692-6082
Jean Ferron, Communication conseil Ferron, cell. 418-564-2517