This handbook was developed to give newly elected Secretary-Treasurers an outline of their duties, an idea of where they can turn for advice and a list of relevant Education Department Courses.
The handbook also describes how an effective Secretary-Treasurer contributes to the development of a strong local union. The Secretary-Treasurer is responsible for the local’s money. This means that he or she is responsible for seeing that the amount of dues income is sufficient to carry out activities needed to advance the members’ interests.
They are also responsible for seeing that spending priorities reflect the local’s goals and that money is spent in accordance with the wishes of the membership. F
or these reasons, the position of the Secretary-Treasurer must be bonded at all times.
Secretary-Treasurers must also keep the members informed about the financial health of the local and about how their money has been spent.
Unless the members have confidence that their money is being spent according to their wishes, interest and support for the local will dwindle.
Without adequate funding, locals cannot carry out the activities needed to represent the members. It is better to have an active local with lots of membership involvement and activity with a small surplus in the bank than a passive local with little involvement but with a large surplus in the bank.