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On Monday morning, the SCFP-Québec website got a brand new look, including new elements designed to make it more efficient.

Social media and networks

The newly updated SCFP-Québec website allows you to share news with your social networking friends. In addition to their RSS feeds, which have been around since April 2005, links to twitter and facebook are now available.

SCFP-Québec can be found on Twitter at SCFPQuebecInfos.

Toreceive their 140-characters-or-less tweets delivered directly to your phone by text message, simply dial 21212 from anywhere in Canada, and text: follow SCFPQuebecInfos. That way you can see their tweets streamed live (standard text messaging fees apply).

You can also access SCFPQuébecInfos twitter updates via their RSS feed.

The SCFP-Québec website facelift coincides with SCFP-Québec’s new facebook page. Look for them under: SCFP-Québec Infos.

Additional website sections

Two new sections have been added to the website. The section Nouvelles brèves (News Briefs) features short news stories similar to the ones published in the SCFP En Bref newsletter up until the end of 2009. The section Ailleurs sur le Web (Elsewhere Online) discusses articles, documents and videos found on other websites.

Hopefully by adding these new sections, the site will become a reference point for all members’ questions and concerns at SCFP-Québec.