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Respected forensic accountant Ron Parks will release the findings of his review of the Campbell government’s controversial Abbotsford private hospital proposal at a news conference today at 2:00 p.m. at the Holiday Inn Vancouver Centre.

Parks will be joined at the conference by Chris Allnutt, secretary-business manager of the Hospital Employees’ Union (CUPE), which commissioned the review. In addition, Fraser Valley seniors’ advocate Marjorie Mansell and health care workers from Abbotsford’s MSA Hospital will be on hand.

News conference
Release of Parks’ review of the Abbotsford private hospital proposal

2:00 p.m., Wednesday, May 8

Ballroom East
Holiday Inn Vancouver Centre
711 W. Broadway at Heather, Vancouver

Allnutt says that Parks’ findings will provide an unbiased analysis and critique of the private hospital report authored by the consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers, as well as concise recommendations for government. HEU has offered to brief Premier Campbell on the review in advance of the public release but has received no response to date.

Parks’ report will also be available from HEU’s website, heu.org, later Wednesday afternoon. And on Thursday, the union will have an active link on its site to access a webcast of the media conference.


Margi Blamey, communications officer,
604-456-7094 or 604-785-5324 (cell)

NOTE: This email address is NOT monitored for incoming mail except address changes.

Any information email, other than address changes, must be sent to heu@heu.org in order to be forwarded to the appropriate departments.