Keynote speaker Tina Varughese and CUPE NS Vice-president Dianne Frittenburg

From November 1 to 4, CUPE members are volunteering at the 2022 conference of the Nova Scotia Federation of Municipalities (NSFM) taking place this week in Halifax.

CUPE Nova Scotia has once again signed on as a premier sponsor of the annual event where we have an information booth, fact sheets in delegate kit bags, and a print ad in the conference guide. We also introduced keynote speaker Tina Varughese who spoke about inclusive leadership.

The conference gives our members many opportunities to discuss issues with municipal councillors and managers that are important to our members. This year, our focus was on stopping privatization of health care and the Canada Infrastructure Bank. To learn more, please check out the fact sheets below, which were handed out at the NSFM conference.

Fact sheets

How municipalities can help build a better public health care system for Nova Scotia (PDF)

Municipalities deserve a bank that works for all of us (PDF)