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VANCOUVER The Vancouver Coastal Health Authority will issue pink slips tomorrow to about 80 public health employees represented by the Canadian Union of Public Employees.

Some of the workers receiving lay-off notices are holding a news conference tomorrow, May 7, to discuss the impact the cuts will have on the delivery of health services in the city. Programs affected by the cuts include the school immunization program, the inner city school meal program, and the vision screening program.

Participants include Vickie Jo Morris, a community developer, and Joan Kerr, an orthoptist in the vision screening program.

The news conference will be held at 10:30 a.m. at the Carnegie Community Centre, 401 Main Street. Parking lots are located close by at Keefer and Columbia, and Powell and Columbia.

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For more information please call:
Beth Smillie, CUPE Communications, 604-291-1940, extension 223