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(New Glasgow) Residents of Pictou West are being urged to attend a meeting this Thursday night (August 9th) that could determine the future of health care delivery in the area.

This weeks meeting of the Pictou County District Health Authority (PCDHA) will give residents an immediate opportunity to voice their fears and concerns about recently announced cuts at the Sutherland Harris Memorial Hospital.

The Canadian Union of Public Employees, which represents all of the health care workers at the Memorial except for the RNs, says this weeks meeting will give the public a chance to directly question health authority board members.

The meeting is scheduled for 7:00 p.m., Thursday August 9 at the Pictou Legion, 16 Second Street in Pictou. CUPE Nova Scotia President Betty-Jean Sutherland and Nova Scotia Federation of Labour President Rick Clarke will be in attendance.

The District Health Authority announced last week that x-ray services, electrocardiograms, health records services and even the outpatient department at Sutherland Harris will be eliminated. Lab services will also be seriously reduced.

Opeiu 491

For information:
Peter Baxter, CUPE National Rep.
(902) 752-2244 (o)
John McCracken,CUPE Communications Representative
(902) 455-4180 (o)