CUPE, who represents 176 outside and inside workers in the Municipality of Sainte-Julie in the Montérégie region, will launch a daylong strike to move along negotiations for the renewal of its collective agreement.

“Talks are stalling on the issue of wages. Members require wages to catch up with those in municipalities of comparable sizes. This issue becomes even more important when we consider the historic inflation rates that undermine budgets,” says CUPE representative, Marilyne Blanchet. 

The bargaining committee has had a strike mandate since March 2022. Members voted 99% in favour of pressure tactics up to and including a strike.

“Members are pumped! The employer must be attentive to the well-being of its employees and ensure that it retains its workforce that provides crucial services to the citizens of Sainte-Julie. These are difficult times, but these workers are determined,” says Blanchet.  

The collective agreement expired on December 31, 2021.