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1 week
Bargaining Program
This workshop uses an intensive roleplay to help union activists develop the skills they need to build and maintain solidarity throughout the bargaining process. Discussions include analyzing internal and external forces that influence collective bargaining, identifying effective strategies and tactics for engaging members, and thinking about ways to reach marginalized members.

NOTE: This workshop is for activists who want to learn how to use collective bargaining to build union power. This is not a “learn how to bargain” workshop.
1 week
More than half the population will experience a mental health problem over their lifetime. At least 20% of us are dealing with mental illness on any given day. Mental health issues touch every one of us directly or indirectly. What does this mean for us as workers? What about in our role as union activists? What are our duties and responsibilities? How can we support members who may be dealing with mental illness? This workshop will help answer these questions and more. *Includes certification "Mental Health First Aid."
1 week
Conflict Skills
Conflict is a part of our lives – at work, in the union, and at home. In this workshop we’ll build our conflict skills by looking at:
• How our beliefs about conflict and our conflict style affect what happens in a conflict.
• Sources of conflict in the union and at work.
• Conflict dynamics, cultural differences and power
• Choosing the best response in a conflict.
• Conflict communication skills and difficult conversations

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