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EDMONTON – A custodial workers’ union is calling on Albertans to recognize Custodial Appreciation Day, October 2nd.  CUPE 474 represents custodians at Edmonton Public Schools, Black Gold Schools, and support staff with the Salvation Army and Operation Friendship Seniors’ Society.

CUPE 474 President Doug Luellman said custodial workers serve a critical function in our society, yet the work is often overlooked and underpaid.

Because we often work at night, custodial workers are often missed by everyone else,” said Luellman.  “But our duties ensure that everyone else, from students in classrooms, to secretaries in office towers, work in a healthy, clean, and safe environment.”

October 2nd is a time to recognize the work custodians do, and say thank you.”

Luellman pointed out that the work custodial workers do prevent the spread of infectious germs in schools, hospitals, senior residences, etc.  “Our work doesn’t just keep things neat and tidy, studies show that cuts to cleaning staff can lead to faster transmission of disease and illness.”

Public concern with the current pandemic warnings means custodial workers are doing more to maintain public health in our schools, hospitals and other public and non profit buildings said Luellman.