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OCHU leaders are touring Ontario over the next few weeks, meeting with locals to plan a campaign to press the McGuinty government to live up to its hospital funding commitments.

Freezing hospital funding would kill 9000 Ontario health care jobs, 5000 of them through lay-off, degrading patient care across the province in a system where half of Ontario hospitals are already facing deficits,” said OCHU president Michael Hurley.

Hurley noted that even if the province keeps its promise of a 2.1 per cent funding increase, there will still be deep cuts because the rate of inflation for hospitals is 3.5 per cent.

With a 2.1 per cent funding increase, Ontario hospitals would leave up to 4000 positions unfilled and up to 1000 hospital employees would be laid off.

Tour dates:

Jan. 6,
Jan. 7,
Jan. 8,
Jan. 9,
Jan. 15,
Jan. 16,