Firefighters in Saint-Félix-de-Valois signed a new collective agreement that will run to the end of 2028. It covers members of CUPE 7175 affiliated with the Conseil provincial du secteur incendie SPQ-CUPE.

“We’re proud of increasing internal on-call service to offer citizens better service and are convinced that improvements to working conditions will attract new firefighters to our emergency service,” said Alexandre Paul’Hus, president of CUPE 7175.

The contract, which runs from June 30, 2023 to December 31, 2028, includes an annual wage hike of 2.5%. Service coverage will now include internal on-call service extended from 8 hours to 12 hours a day, from 6 am to 6 pm, to be provided by four firefighters. In addition, the firefighters are already providing first responder service to the public.