Today, York Region flex workers will rally outside the Region’s administrative offices to advocate for remote work after the Region issued a return-to-office notice effective July 1st. Under the Region’s new policy, flex workers will be required to work from their offices 50% of the time.

The event, hosted by CUPE 905, will start at 5:00 pm. All York Region Councillors have been invited to attend this community event to hear from flex workers about how this policy will affect their ability to provide public services.

“Remote work benefits all of York Region, not just flex workers,” said CUPE 905 president Katherine Grzejszczak. “Working from home means cleaner air for everyone, less congestion on Regional roads and more time with families.”

More than 500 affected workers signed a petition opposing the policy and requesting a meeting with York Region CAO Erin Mahoney. The petition cited increased efficiency, cost savings for the Region generated by remote work arrangements, and the negative impact a return to office will have on workers’ wellbeing.

“A lot of experienced Regional workers have already resigned and others are looking for work opportunities closer to home,” added Grzejszczak. “We’re in the midst of an affordability crisis. Our members can’t afford to live in York Region.”

The Union reached out to Council after their request to meet with the CAO was not granted.

“We’re asking Council to do what’s best for their communities,” Grzejszczak continued. “We welcome all to join us on June 26th to send the message that working from home works!”