CUPE is excited to be inviting you once again to Gil’s Hootenanny, the 15th anniversary edition, happening on May Day! 

When: Wednesday, May 1st at 7pm

Where: 30 Cleary Avenue, First Unitarian Congregation of Ottawa

Tickets: $20 at (kids are free)

Headlining this year’s hootenanny is singer-songwriter and legendary song leader Annie Patterson who brings her powerful voice and incredible repertoire to the 15th Annual May Day sing-along.  Annie is a multi-instrumentalist, singer-songwriter and master song interpreter with an infectious stage presence who has performed and led music retreats at folk festivals, coffee houses, schools, and camps around the globe for over 30 years. She is well known as a co-creator, with her long time partner Peter Blood, of the popular song books Rise Up Singing and Rise Again. We are delighted that Peter will accompany Annie at Gil’s Hootenanny.

Annie has spent her life working for justice through music. As Annie says, “Singing can knit communities together and touch people’s lives in a unique and amazing way. It has been an enormous privilege to lead groups together in song and feel the power of hundreds of voices singing in harmony.”

Many of you got to hear Ulyn Georgette’s powerful “Odetta Tribute” last year at the 2023 Hootenanny and wanted more. We’re excited that Ulyn will be returning to Gil’s Hootenanny this year!   

Please join us on May 1st for a fabulous evening of singing along to songs of hope and protest and spread the word.

Let’s keep on singing.