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Tell Newfoundland and Labrador’s MHAs we have the right to know how our money is spent
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Please act now and support our call for legislation to establish transparency in disclosure and reporting of public-private partnerships. For too long, P3 contracts have been a black hole for accountability and transparency, with generally negligible disclosure by the provincial government. Meanwhile, the use of P3 deals has accelerated while providing sweet deals to corporations and private investors. Without transparency in disclosure and reporting we may not know the real cost of public-private partnerships (P3s) for decades. We need to stop the drain on our finances and one of the first steps we can take is to legislate disclosure and reporting of how our money is spent in P3 deals. A more transparent and cost-effective approach to public procurement will ensure we can afford all the public services we rely on. Think of all the public services we could have today with the revenue lost to P3 deals – hospitals, doctors, long-term care beds, teachers, child care, mental health services, and more kilometres of safe highways. There should be no secrets when public money is spent on public infrastructure and services.
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