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This week, delegates will debate and vote on CUPE’s roadmap for the next two years. Strategic Directions sets our union’s broad priorities and, together with convention resolutions on specific issues, establishes a workplan for our union.

Delegates have debated and adopted a Strategic Directions plan at every national convention since 2003. Check out this year’s draft: The way forward: Strategic Directions 2017-2019.

Strategic Directions makes the links between our work to strengthen CUPE and our commitment to build a better Canada, and puts campaign and coalition work at the heart of everything we do.

Debate kicks off on Tuesday afternoon with building stronger and more inclusive locals, increasing our bargaining strength, and fighting for safe workplaces.

On Wednesday morning, debate will focus on campaigning for global justice, expanding public services, fighting privatization and winning changes that help all workers.

Debate feedback will be integrated into a revised document that comes back to delegates for a vote on Friday morning.