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After nearly a month on the picket line, striking University of Windsor skilled trades and professional staff got a big shot in the arm today, courtesy of Paul Moist, national president of CUPE.

“You are not alone,” Moist told the striking members of CUPE 1393 during a day-long visit to Windsor. In addition to meeting with striking CUPE members on the picket lines, Moist was briefed on the situation by CUPE 1393’s bargaining committee and National staff supporting the Local.

He and CUPE 1393 President Dean Roy also paid a brief visit to University of Windsor President Alan Wildeman. What was supposed to be a 15-minute chat turned into a much longer discussion.

“President Wildeman understands that you are standing strong, and that you’re not going to give him what he wants…He also recognizes that both sides need to return to the bargaining table,” Moist told picketers as he made stops at virtually every picket location surrounding the University.

CUPE 1393 went on strike September 8, after refusing to cave into demands by the University to gut the Local’s joint job evaluation plan and bumping system.

 Following the meeting, Moist also met with University students who are occupying Wildeman’s office in support of the striking workers.

“The message I got from them is that they are very supportive of what you are trying to do here, and they very much appreciate the support members have given them during their occupation,” said Moist.