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Were making history

CUPEs turning 40! Its CUPEs biggest biennial event our 21st national convention. What better setting than beautiful, historic Quebec City for delegates to celebrate our history and make history.

Delegates will debate and create CUPEs strategic direction for the next two years. Theyll elect a new National President and pay tribute to outgoing leader Judy Darcy. And its an opportunity for CUPEs 2,000-plus delegates to send a strong message to the new Charest government dont privatize Quebecs public services!

Breaking new ground

Delegates will be breaking new ground as they consider a new strategic directions document that will set the priorities for CUPE for the next two years.

The paper sets out three key objectives: strengthening our bargaining power, increasing our day-to-day effectiveness, and intensifying our campaign to stop contracting out and privatization.

These three objectives each reinforcing the other are essential if were to succeed in protecting our members jobs and making real improvements to wages and working conditions, says National President Judy Darcy.

Unlike most convention resolutions, the debate on the strategic directions document wont be simply about accepting, rejecting or referring the motion. In fact, there wont even be pro and con mikes.

Instead, delegates will have a chance to make suggestions and offer amendments to strengthen the plan. A special committee of convention will then take their input and return with an amended document. Before weeks end, the revised paper will be put to the convention for approval.

We pioneered this approach at the national health care workers conference earlier this year and we saw that members had a real sense of ownership of the action plan they developed, says National Secretary-Treasurer Claude Gnreux.

We want to leave here with a clear sense of our priorities for the next two years, says Darcy.

More firsts

Today members from across the country meet to compare notes about whats happening in their sector. Bargaining priorities, privatization threats, the bosses latest ploy well have a chance to swap success stories and lessons learned.

Well also have a chance to recommend which resolutions should get priority. Its the first time sector groups have had a say on the order that resolutions are heard during convention. As well, for the first time paramedics and emergency workers will meet as a sector.

Bigger and better

More displays. More to do. Its the CUPE Gallery. This year, you can even learn how to set up a web site for your Local. From fighting for equality to bargaining better, from the latest on health and safety to education workshops and communications tips, its all there. Surf the net and e-mail the CUPE folks at home. So come on down to Room 200AB. Gallery hours are: today from noon until 6:00 pm; Monday thru Thursday from 8:30 am until 6:00 pm; and Friday from 8:30 til noon.

Weve got something to sing about

Want to celebrate CUPEs 40th birthday and be a part of the Judy Darcy tribute? Join the CUPE Convention choir. The choir will perform at Thursday nights tribute and again Friday morning. Rehearsals with choir conductor Shauntay Grant take place Tuesday at 12:30 and Wednesday and Thursday at noon. Lunch is provided and everyone is welcome.


Another convention first Pensions forum, 6 pm, room 206B