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Toronto - Across Ontario, thousands of school board workers represented by the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) are in negotiations, or will be in negotiations early in the New Year. Workers are encouraging Premier Eves to follow through on his promises and immediately set stable, long-term funding in place for school boards.

The following CUPE locals are in mediation, with legal strike deadlines set in early January:

CUPE Local 997 Trillium Lakelands District School Board
CUPE Local 1453 Peterborough/Victoria/Northumberland/Clarington Catholic District School Board
CUPE Local 5555 Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board

The members of these three locals provide support services in schools, board offices, and maintenance facilities in Clarington, Northumberland County, Peterborough County, the City of Kawartha Lakes, Haliburton County, and the District of Muskoka.

These locals are all seeking three-year contracts in order to provide their members and their school communities with peace of mind and long-range financial stability. In addition to the wage increases sought by all three locals, CUPE locals 997 and 5555 are also working towards pay equity settlements and job evaluation plans for their members.

“The cost of pay equity, ignored by the Ontario government to date, represents a significant amount of money for newly created district school boards,” said Brian Blakeley, CUPE National Representative. “CUPE school board workers are not prepared to absorb these costs through wage reductions or layoffs. We also know that parents in our communities are tired of the instability imposed by the province’s flawed funding, and that they want to see us reach fair settlements as soon as possible,” added Blakeley.

Lynn Raback, Peter Young, and Donna Carlaw, Presidents of Local 997, 1453, and 5555 respectively, are together calling on the Premier of Ontario to provide long term funding support to their employers in order to provide fair settlements in their negotiations.

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For more information:

Brian Blakeley, CUPE National Representative, (416) 580-1300 (cell)
Lynn Raback, President, CUPE Local 997, (705) 328-4806 (cell)
Donna Carlaw, President, CUPE Local 5555, (905) 373-5002 (cell)
Andrea Addario, CUPE Communications, (416) 292-3999 (office), or (416) 738-4329 (cell)