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Oct 5, 2024 | CUPE St. John's Area Office, St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador | English
What does a CUPE steward do? If you are a new steward and want to learn how to help CUPE members solve workplace problems, this introductory workshop is for you!

In this workshop, you will learn:
• investigating workplace problems;
• filing a grievance;
• meeting with management;
• dealing with workplace complaints.

NOTE: Please bring a copy of your collective agreement to the workshop.
Oct 6, 2024 | CUPE St. John's Area Office, St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador | English
Learn about your local's duty to represent the members in your union, the legal requirements of fair representation and how it applies to your collective agreement and other laws covering your workplace.

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