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September 18 - 20, 2024 | CUPE Manitoba Regional Office - Training Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba | English
Sessions offered in this program are:
- Introduction to Stewarding
- Grievance Handling
- Representing Members in Front of Management
- Understanding Mental Health
- Creating Harassment-free Workplaces
Sep 24, 2024 | Online via Zoom - MB, Online, Manitoba | English
In this online workshop, picket captains will learn about:
• the issues in dispute;
• the strike plan;
• their responsibilities;
• how to manage situations that might come up on the picket line.

NOTE: This workshop is for picket captains.
Sep 24, 2024 | Online via Zoom - MB, Online, Manitoba | English
In this online workshop, picket captains will learn about:
• the issues in dispute;
• the strike plan;
• their responsibilities;
• how to manage situations that might come up on the picket line.

NOTE: This workshop is for picket captains.
Sep 24, 2024 | Online via Zoom - MB, Online, Manitoba | English
In this online workshop, picket captains will learn about:
• the issues in dispute;
• the strike plan;
• their responsibilities;
• how to manage situations that might come up on the picket line.

NOTE: This workshop is for picket captains.
Sep 25, 2024 | Online via Zoom - MB, Online, Manitoba | English
In this online workshop, picket captains will learn about:
• the issues in dispute;
• the strike plan;
• their responsibilities;
• how to manage situations that might come up on the picket line.

NOTE: This workshop is for picket captains.
Sep 26, 2024 | Online via Zoom - MB, Online, Manitoba | English
In this online workshop, picket captains will learn about:
• the issues in dispute;
• the strike plan;
• their responsibilities;
• how to manage situations that might come up on the picket line.

NOTE: This workshop is for picket captains.
Sep 26, 2024 | Online via Zoom - MB, Online, Manitoba | English
In this online workshop, picket captains will learn about:
• the issues in dispute;
• the strike plan;
• their responsibilities;
• how to manage situations that might come up on the picket line.

NOTE: This workshop is for picket captains.
Sep 26, 2024 | Union Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba | English
Effective stewards are champions for human rights and equality. Explore what it means to be an ally, and ways that stewards can step up as allies in the workplace and the union.
Sep 26, 2024 | Union Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba | English
Practice coaching members who are in conflict with other members, and work with a four-step approach to basic mediation.
Sep 27, 2024 | Online via Zoom - MB, Online, Manitoba | English
In this online workshop, picket captains will learn about:
• the issues in dispute;
• the strike plan;
• their responsibilities;
• how to manage situations that might come up on the picket line.

NOTE: This workshop is for picket captains.
Sep 27, 2024 | Online via Zoom - MB, Online, Manitoba | English
In this online workshop, picket captains will learn about:
• the issues in dispute;
• the strike plan;
• their responsibilities;
• how to manage situations that might come up on the picket line.

NOTE: This workshop is for picket captains.
Sep 27, 2024 | Online via Zoom - MB, Online, Manitoba | English
In this online workshop, picket captains will learn about:
• the issues in dispute;
• the strike plan;
• their responsibilities;
• how to manage situations that might come up on the picket line.

NOTE: This workshop is for picket captains.
October 3 - 4, 2024 | CUPE Manitoba Regional Office - Training Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba | English
Recording Secretaries play a vital role in keeping local unions strong.
Learn how to:
• take clear and accurate meeting minutes;
• organize files;
• process and write correspondence; and
• communicate effectively with members.

NOTE: Please bring your local bylaws, sample meeting notices, sample membership meeting minutes and a laptop or tablet (if you have one) to the workshop.
Oct 4, 2024 | CUPE Manitoba Regional Office - Training Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba | English
Good bylaws are an essential component of a well-functioning local. In this workshop, you will learn the principles of good bylaws and how to make sure they are in compliance with CUPE's national constitution. We'll also look at how clear language bylaws help our members get involved in the work of the union.

NOTE: Please bring your local bylaws to the workshop.
Oct 18, 2024 | Online via Zoom - MB, Online, Manitoba | English
Good bylaws are an essential component of a well-functioning local. In this online workshop, you will learn the principles of good bylaws and how to make sure they are in compliance with CUPE's national constitution. We'll also look at how clear language bylaws help our members get involved in the work of the union.

NOTE: You will need your local bylaws to participate.
Oct 18, 2024 | Online via Zoom - MB, Online, Manitoba | English
In this workshop, participants will explore:
- The value of conflict for effective groups
- How our beliefs about conflict shape how we respond
- The kinds of conflict executives struggle with
- Productive ways to resolve conflict on an executive
Oct 21, 2024 | CUPE Manitoba Regional Office - Training Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba | English
This module equips stewards to be proactive when meeting with management. Learn tips for effective meetings, and build confidence by practicing meeting situations.

Oct 21, 2024 | CUPE Manitoba Regional Office - Training Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba | English
Homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia play out in our workplaces, locals, and communities. Learn how to challenge these kinds of discrimination, and respectfully represent gender and sexually diverse members in your workplace.
October 28 - 30, 2024 | CUPE Dauphin Area Office, Dauphin, Manitoba | English
Sessions offered are:

Day 1:
- Duty to Accommodate
- Representing Members in Attendance Management

Day 2:
- Ally Skills for Stewards
- Preventing Mental Injuries at Work
- Mediating Member-to-Member Conflict

Day 3:
- Handling Discipline and Discharge
- Leading Cases
- Handling Tough Grievances
October 29 - 30, 2024 | CUPE Brandon Area Office, Brandon, Manitoba | English
Sessions offered are:

Steward Learning Series
- Handling Discipline and Discharge
- Understanding Mental Health

Local Executive Training
- Leading as a Team
- Conflict-Ready Executive
November 5 - 6, 2024 | CUPE Brandon Area Office, Brandon, Manitoba | English
Sessions offered are:
- Health and Safety: An Introduction
- Making Committees Work
November 7 - 8, 2024 | CUPE Manitoba Regional Office - Training Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba | English
Sessions offered are:
- Making Committees Work
- SAFE Work Manitoba Content
Nov 13, 2024 | Online via Zoom - MB, Online, Manitoba | English
In this workshop, executive teams explore power and responsibility that comes with it, how we work in teams and how to balance our leadership styles to engage the membership and work effectively across diversity.
Nov 14, 2024 | Online via Zoom - MB, Online, Manitoba | English
In this workshop, participants will explore:
- The value of conflict for effective groups
- How our beliefs about conflict shape how we respond
- The kinds of conflict executives struggle with
- Productive ways to resolve conflict on an executive


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