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March 6 - 7, 2018 | Fredericton Inn, Fredericton, New Brunswick | English
Once secretary-treasurers and trustees complete the Financial Essentials 1-day workshop, they will spend a second day learning about bookkeeping and auditing.

Treasurers will learn how to use the CUPE electronic ledger, manage the local union's funds and accounts, and prepare reports to the membership and the trustees.

Trustees will learn how to properly perform an audit of the local union's books, accounts, properties, and assets. At the end of this workshop, Trustees will be able to make recommendations to the local union to improve the local union's financial health.
March 22 - 23, 2018 | Best Western Woodstock, Woodstock, New Brunswick | English
Who am I as a leader? Who are we as a local union? How do we fit into the broader movement? Learn how to use the power of your elected position to build power in the union, create space for more members to get involved, and strengthen solidarity in the labour movement and in our communities.

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