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Nov 27, 2024



French workshops

SLS - Taking on privatization
Nov 27, 2024 (9:00am-12:00pm (Atlantic)) (20 spaces available)

Learn about different forms of privatization in CUPE workplaces, how it impacts our members, services, and the public, and what stewards can do about it.

SLS - Growing our mobilizing power
Nov 27, 2024 (1:00pm-4:00pm (Atlantic)) (20 spaces available)

Stewards can play a key role when the union needs to mobilize our members – whether it’s to support the bargaining committee, or stop the employer’s attempt to contract out our work. Learn basic mobilization theory and explore how stewards can tackle workplace problems in ways that engage more members and build the union’s power.

Nov 18, 2024

Bathurst CUPE Area Office
970 Principal Street, Suite 1
Beresford, New Brunswick


Lynne Williams-LePage

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