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May 27 - 31, 2024



Courses offered are:
- Health and Safety: Mental & Social Health and Safety
- Leadership: Organizing for Power in the Union, the Workplace, and the Community
- Communications Camp: A to Z of Successful Union Communications
- Steward Learning Series: Work Now, Grieve Later, Build Solidarity

Registration Fee covers 4 nights accommodation, all meal, and all activities.
Single Occupancy: $1,200
Double Occupancy: $1,000 per person
Triple Occupancy: $800 per person

School Registration begins at 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm.

Please contact Megan Kowalchuk from the Russell Inn at (204) 773-7502 to book your accommodations.

Make cheque payable to: CUPE

Mail payment to:
Annalyn Jimeno
CUPE Manitoba Regional Office
703-275 Broadway
Winnipeg, MB R3C 4M6

Participants will explore mental health in the union, the workplace and the community. We are pleased to offer Mental Health First Aid Basic certification as part of this course. Other topics include health boundaries and addressing compassion fatigue for union activists, resources for supporting mental health care, trauma informed approaches, social determinants of mental health, and strategies for creating psychologically safer workplaces and safer union spaces. $50 additional fee for materials (on top of registration fee)

SLS - Creating accommodation-friendly workplaces
May 27 (3:00pm) - 31, 2024 (12:00pm)

Learn the legal framework for the duty to accommodate, what a good accommodation process and plan look like, and what to do if the employer is not willing to provide reasonable accommodation. NOTE: Please bring your Steward Handbook to the workshop.

SLS - HS - Preventing Mental Injuries at Work
May 27 (3:00pm) - 31, 2024 (12:00pm)

New forms of work, job insecurity, work intensification, high demands, violence and a resulting poor work-life balance are resulting in psychosocial and mental health problems in CUPE workplaces. This module focuses on the workplace as the cause or a contributor to mental health issues, and not the individual. Discuss strategies and actions that actually help make workplaces psychologically healthier and safer.

SLS - Psychologically safe workplaces
May 27 (3:00pm) - 31, 2024 (12:00pm)

What is a psychologically healthy and safe workplace? Learn to identify the psychosocial hazards in a workplace, and the tools we have to address them.

SLS - Understanding mental health
May 27 (3:00pm) - 31, 2024 (12:00pm)

Explore the steward’s role in supporting and representing members dealing with mental health issues. Learn how to challenge stigma, and how to approach a conversation with a member about a possible mental health issue.

In this course, we will dig into campaign planning and strategy. We will develop strategies for fighting to win major bargaining, election and issues-based campaigns, develop plans for member engagement, explore the effective use of social media, try out brave conversation, work on turning grievances into direct action, and explore community-union solidarity work.

BARG - Mobilizing for Bargaining
May 27 (3:00pm) - 31, 2024 (12:00pm)

In this workshop, members of local Mobilization Committees look at effective ways to engage members before bargaining begins, and throughout the bargaining process. NOTE: This workshop is for the Mobilization Committee.

Global People Power: Building worker solidarity in a global economy
May 27 (3:00pm) - 31, 2024 (12:00pm)

This workshop explains the role that capitalism plays in workers’ lives, and examines the links between local and global issues. We will explore how building solidarity with workers in other countries makes the labour movement stronger in Canada and around the world.

LET - Planning for Member Engagement (OLS)
May 27 (3:00pm) - 31, 2024 (12:00pm)

Learn principles and processes to plan member engagement in your local.

Union communications are changing at a rapid pace. Participants will build hands-on skills and knowledge for local website design and administration, effective use of email and social media. Other topics include learning about literacy and plain language communications, exploring equity and inclusive language, and developing plans for member outreach, campaign and bargaining actions, and communicating tough issues.

LET - Essentials for Inclusive Unions
May 27 (3:00pm) - 31, 2024 (12:00pm)

As activists in our unions, we often ask why members are not more involved. This workshop asks a different question: Who is involved and who isn't and what might be some reasons why? How might our unconscious biases contribute to this? How can we represent members in a way that invites those on the margins to get involved and to see the union as place where they want to make a difference?

SLS - Literacy awareness
May 27 (3:00pm) - 31, 2024 (12:00pm)

Literacy affects all of us at work. Learning new computer programs, understanding collective agreements, completing forms, or writing reports can all pose barriers for our members. Learn about how stewards can increase literacy awareness, and help make the union inclusive and accessible to members.

This workshop will help union stewards develop and deepen skills for defending members' interest at work. Participants will delve into leading cases, try turning grievances into direct action, learn skills for representing gender and sexually diverse members and creating safer spaces for Two-Spirit, trans, and non-binary workers, an build workplace-conflict skills.

Conflict at Work
May 27 (3:00pm) - 31, 2024 (12:00pm)

Conflict is a natural part of our lives. Learning to handle it well improves relationships at work and in other parts of our lives. In this workshop, you will -deepen your understanding of conflict -learn how to identify the issues and find the right solutions -strengthen your conflict communication skills

Safer spaces for Two-Spirit, trans, and non-binary workers
May 27 (3:00pm) - 31, 2024 (12:00pm)

This workshop explores how to create inclusive, safer workplaces for Two-Spirit, trans and non-binary staff. It will provide tools to better understand our Two-Spirit, trans and non-binary colleagues and fight transphobia. Participants will have the opportunity to assess their workplace and determine what steps they can take to build safer spaces. This workshop can have two audiences; a mixed audience of staff and management or an audience of only CUPE members.

SLS - Mediating member-to-member conflict
May 27 (3:00pm) - 31, 2024 (12:00pm)

Practice coaching members who are in conflict with other members, and work with a four-step approach to basic mediation.

SLS - Representing gender and sexually diverse members
May 27 (3:00pm) - 31, 2024 (12:00pm)

Homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia play out in our workplaces, locals, and communities. Learn how to challenge these kinds of discrimination, and respectfully represent gender and sexually diverse members in your workplace.

May 22, 2024

The Russell Inn & Conference Centre
Provincial Trunk Highway 83
Russell, Manitoba

There is significant demand for our workshops. If you need to cancel your registration, please email Annalyn Jimeno, as soon as possible.

Thanks for your interest in CUPE’s Union Education Program and for your ongoing leadership in our union!

In response to the health concerns of our members and staff, CUPE has implemented a Scent-Free Policy at all of our workshops. Scented products such as hair spray, perfume and deodorant can trigger reactions such as respiratory distress and headaches. Facilitators and participants are asked to refrain from using scented products while attending our workshops and meetings. Thank you for your cooperation.

Annalyn Jimeno