Aug 13, 2024
As activists in our unions, we often ask why members are not more involved. This workshop asks a different question: Who is involved and who isn't and what might be some reasons why? How might our unconscious biases contribute to this? How can we represent members in a way that invites those on the margins to get involved and to see the union as place where they want to make a difference?
Aug 5, 2024
CUPE Charlottetown Area Office
26 Paramount Drive
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
There is significant demand for our workshops. If you need to cancel your registration, please email as soon as possible.
Thanks for your interest in CUPE’s Union Education Program and for your ongoing leadership in our union!
In response to the health concerns of our members and staff, CUPE has implemented a Scent-Free Policy at all of our workshops. Scented products such as hair spray, perfume and deodorant can trigger reactions such as respiratory distress and headaches. Facilitators and participants are asked to refrain from using scented products while attending our workshops and meetings. Thank you for your cooperation.
Lynne Williams-LePage