April 28 - May 3, 2019
Registration, welcome dinner and school opening is on Sunday evening. Some workshops will run extended hours or require evening work.
David Saunders Memorial Week Long School
At the week long school, we will offer the following: Introduction to Stewarding (9-hour) Duty of Fair Representation Handling Discipline & Discharge Conflict Resolution Ally Skills for Stewards Representing Members in Front of Management
SLS - Ally skills for stewards
April 29 (9:00am) - May 3, 2019 (12:00pm) (8 spaces available)
Effective stewards are champions for human rights and equality. Explore what it means to be an ally, and ways that stewards can step up as allies in the workplace and the union.
SLS - Conflict skills for stewards
April 29 (9:00am) - May 3, 2019 (12:00pm) (8 spaces available)
Unresolved workplace conflict is stressful and weakens the union. Learn about the sources of workplace conflict and how to choose a response that fits the situation. Practice conflict communication skills that will help you resolve conflict at work and in the union.
SLS - Duty of fair representation
April 29 (9:00am) - May 3, 2019 (12:00pm) (8 spaces available)
Learn about where stewards get their authority in the workplace, the duty of fair representation, and other labour laws that cover the workplace. NOTE: Please bring your Steward Handbook to the workshop.
SLS - Handling discipline and discharge
April 29 (9:00am) - May 3, 2019 (12:00pm) (8 spaces available)
Learn about key legal concepts and terms, and the role of stewards during an employer’s investigation, when discipline is given, and during grievance meetings. NOTE: Please bring your collective agreement and Steward Handbook to the workshop.
SLS - Representing members in front of management
April 29 (9:00am) - May 3, 2019 (12:00pm) (8 spaces available)
This module equips stewards to be proactive when meeting with management. Learn tips for effective meetings, and build confidence by practicing meeting situations.
Introduction to Stewarding
April 29 (9:00am) - 30, 2019 (6:00pm) (8 spaces available)
What does a CUPE steward do? If you are a new steward and want to learn how to help CUPE members solve workplace problems, this introductory workshop is for you! In this workshop, you will learn: • investigating workplace problems; • filing a grievance; • meeting with management; • dealing with workplace complaints. NOTE: Please bring a copy of your collective agreement to the workshop.
The bundle consists of the following modules: Health & Safety - An Introduction Identifying & Documenting Hazards Making Committees Work Basics of Incident Investigations Law & Orders Violence Prevention Ergonomics
Health and Safety - An Introduction
April 29 (9:00am) - May 3, 2019 (12:00pm) (4 spaces available)
This course serves as an introduction into the world of health and safety and explores different basic concepts such as: • Identification of hazards; • Hierarchy of controls; • The basic role of health and safety committees; • Basics on the right to refuse. NOTE: See more Health and Safety courses in the Health and Safety Learning Series.
HS - Basics of Incident Investigations
April 29 (9:00am) - May 3, 2019 (12:00pm) (4 spaces available)
Learn how to identify root causes of workplace incidents, injuries, and diseases, common routes of entry of toxic substances, and your role in the investigation process. NOTE: Please bring your binder and Health and Safety Committee Resource Kit.
HS - Ergonomics
April 29 (9:00am) - May 3, 2019 (12:00pm) (4 spaces available)
This module looks at the musculoskeletal injuries in the workplace, such as strains or carpal tunnel syndrome, the risk factors, and the employers’ obligations to prevent these types of injuries. NOTE: Please bring your binder and Health and Safety Committee Resource Kit.
HS - Identifying and Documenting Hazards
April 29 (9:00am) - May 3, 2019 (12:00pm) (4 spaces available)
In this module, you will learn techniques for identifying hazards, such as body maps, surveys and inspections. You will also develop a methodology for dealing with the hazards you find. NOTE: Please bring your binder and Health and Safety Committee Resource Kit.
HS - Law and Orders
April 29 (9:00am) - May 3, 2019 (12:00pm) (4 spaces available)
This module covers the basic origins of health and safety law, how to find, read and interpret relevant section of law and highlights some of the more important aspects of the specific health and safety law that applies to you. NOTE: Please bring your binder and Health and Safety Committee Resource Kit.
HS - Making Committees Work
April 29 (9:00am) - May 3, 2019 (12:00pm) (4 spaces available)
This module explores the structure, role and function of health and safety committees, their strengths and limitations, and how they can best work within the legislative framework, and within our union. NOTE: Please bring your binder and Health and Safety Committee Resource Kit.
HS - Violence Prevention
April 29 (9:00am) - May 3, 2019 (12:00pm) (4 spaces available)
This module examines the risk factors that lead to violence in the workplace, and the employer’s obligations to prevent workers from being exposed to and injured by violence while at work. We examine relevant health and safety law, and start to develop strategies to make our workplaces safer. NOTE: Please bring your binder and Health and Safety Committee Resource Kit.
The following topics will be covered: Leadership Basics Leading as a Team Introduction to CUPE Introduction to Ally Skills Duty of Fair Representation.
Introduction to CUPE
April 29 (9:00am) - May 3, 2019 (12:00pm)
In this workshop you will: • deepen your understanding of union values; • learn about CUPE’s structure; • find out how unions solve problems ; • gain skills that will help you play a stronger role in your CUPE local.
LET - Duty of Fair Representation
April 29 (9:00am) - May 3, 2019 (12:00pm)
Learn about your local's duty to represent the members in your union, the legal requirements of fair representation and how it applies to your collective agreement and other laws covering your workplace.
LET - Introduction to Ally Skills
April 29 (9:00am) - May 3, 2019 (12:00pm)
Championing human rights in the workplace and the union is a vital role of local union leaders. But what does it really mean to act as a good ally? In this workshop, we will explore ways to reduce personal bias, challenge oppression, and act in solidarity with members from marginalized and equity-seeking groups.
LET - Leading as a Team
April 29 (9:00am) - May 3, 2019 (12:00pm)
In this workshop, executive teams explore power and responsibility that comes with it, how we work in teams and how to balance our leadership styles to engage the membership and work effectively across diversity.
LET Leadership Basics
April 29 (9:00am) - May 3, 2019 (12:00pm)
Who am I as a leader? Who are we as a local union? How do we fit into the broader movement? Learn how to use the power of your elected position to build power in the union, create space for more members to get involved, and strengthen solidarity in the labour movement and in our communities.
The context for collective bargaining is changing rapidly – in this province, across the country and around the world. The focus of this workshop is a multi-day role-play that helps build high-level bargaining skills. If you are a bargaining committee member, here’s your chance to work with real bargaining information and gain the experience you need when facing management. You’ll also explore current issues like interest-based bargaining and bargaining for equality.
Collective Bargaining
Apr 28, 2019 (4:00pm-8:00pm) (3 spaces available)
May 3, 2019 (9:00am-12:00pm) (3 spaces available)
The context for collective bargaining is changing rapidly – in this province, across the country and around the world. The focus of this workshop is a multi-day role-play that helps build high-level bargaining skills. If you are a bargaining committee member, here’s your chance to work with real bargaining information and gain the experience you need when facing management. You’ll also explore current issues like interest-based bargaining and bargaining for equality.
This workshop is aimed at CUPE stewards and officers who are active in grievance procedures. Participants will gain a complete understanding of the arbitration process. You will have a chance to do the kinds of research that must be done before an arbitration hearing. Your local and your members will benefit from your new skills! This workshop is designed for those members who have taken Introduction to Stewarding and some Stewarding Learning Series workshops and have experience preparing and presenting a grievance. Please note, this workshop requires evening work.
April 29 (9:00am) - May 3, 2019 (12:00pm) (full)
This workshop is aimed at CUPE stewards and officers who are active in grievance procedures. Participants will gain a complete understanding of the arbitration process. You will have a chance to do the kinds of research that must be done before an arbitration hearing. Your local and your members will benefit from your new skills! This workshop is designed for those members who have taken Introduction to Stewarding and some Stewarding Learning Series workshops and have experience preparing and presenting a grievance. Please note, this workshop requires evening work.
Examination of various aspects of labour law including an overview of the Labour Relations Act. Discipline and Discharge, Last Chance Agreements and will include a section on e-mails, blogging and Facebook. We will also explore some contract interpretation issues such as estoppel, past practice, work of the bargaining unit and types of job promotion languages. Please bring your collective agreement with you. Please note: Introduction to Stewarding is a pre-requisite for the Labour Law workshop.
Labour Law
April 29 (9:00am) - May 3, 2019 (12:00pm) (6 spaces available)
Examination of various aspects of labour law including an overview of the Labour Relations Act. Discipline and Discharge, Last Chance Agreements and will include a section on e-mails, blogging and Facebook. We will also explore some contract interpretation issues such as estoppel, past practice, work of the bargaining unit and types of job promotion languages. Please bring your collective agreement with you. Please note: Introduction to Stewarding is a pre-requisite for the Labour Law workshop.
Mental Health First Aid H&S Learning Series - Preventing Mental Injuries Chronic Pain Disability Chronic & Traumatic Mental Stress Policy WSIB Referral Process
Mental Health Bundle (additional material fee of $130 is required for this workshop)
April 29 (9:00am) - May 3, 2019 (12:00pm) (4 spaces available)
Mental Health First Aid H&S Learning Series - Preventing Mental Injuries Chronic Pain Disability Chronic & Traumatic Mental Stress Policy WSIB Referral Process
White Oaks Resort & Spa
235 Taylor Road SS4
Niagara on the Lake, Ontario
Registration fee is $1,800 for the week. Participants taking the Mental Health Bundle need to add a $130 for material to the registration fee. Registration fee includes accommodation, continuous refreshment service and meals (Sunday dinner to Friday noon).
Registration payment must be submitted by mail upon registration. Please make cheque payable to the Canadian Union of Public Employees (DSS) and mail to CUPE - Ontario Regional Office, 80 Commerce Valley Drive E., Markham, ON L3T 0B2. Attn: Collette Calvelli.
No refunds will be issued for cancellations after February 27, 2019, without exception.
If payment is not received within 14 days of registration, the space will be released. No refunds will be issued for cancellations after February 27, 2019, without exception.
In response to the health concerns of our members and staff, CUPE has implemented a Scent-Free Policy at all of our workshops. Scented products such as hair spray, perfume and deodorant can trigger reactions such as respiratory distress and headaches. Facilitators and participants are asked to refrain from using scented products while attending our workshops and meetings. Thank you for your cooperation.
Collette (Collette) Calvelli