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Workers at Marianhill Nursing Home have been in bargaining with their Employer since August 2022 and unfortunately, they have achieved very little progress at the bargaining table.  

Their Employer, which consists of Director of Care Diane Tennant, Chief Executive Officer Linda M. Tracey, Chair of the Marianhill Board of Directors Frank Trzebiatowski, and Vice Chair of the Marianhill Board of Directors Betty Brisson, have refused to accept an equitable wage increase for these workers.  

The very low wages at Marianhill Nursing Home have resulted in extreme recruitment and retention issues, which ultimately affect the quality of care the residents receive. Many workers who worked at the home for years and years have left for better pay and a better working environment at other LTC homes in the area.  

Many members have expressed their upset with employer unwilling to offer a raise for staff, especially since the recent publication of the current Sunshine List. Marianhill Nursing Home does not want to give a wage increase to workers, but management received the following unbelievable wage increases: 

  • Shelley Burchart (B Wing Unit Manager) increase of 45.05% from 2022 to 2023: $108,202.00 to $156,968.00 

This is unacceptable! These Health Care workers need your support! 

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