National Secretary-Treasurer Claude Gnreux joined striking workers on the picket line at the Southern Kings Group Home in PEI Friday morning.
“These women care for a living and that’s being used against them,” says Gnreux. “They should be treated with the same respect they give the group home residents.”
The women of CUPE Local 3373 have been on strike since May 29. They’re paid a third less than workers in the same classification with the same employer 40 kilometres away. They have no benefits and they’re paid 44 hours a week when they work 54.
Meanwhile the board won’t come to the table, despite having four members who enjoy union benefits.
“This board needs to be reminded that when they take on CUPE, they take on all of CUPE,” says Gnreux. “We’ll be here until this board meets with us and this is settled.”
“These women care for a living and that’s being used against them,” says Gnreux. “They should be treated with the same respect they give the group home residents.”
The women of CUPE Local 3373 have been on strike since May 29. They’re paid a third less than workers in the same classification with the same employer 40 kilometres away. They have no benefits and they’re paid 44 hours a week when they work 54.
Meanwhile the board won’t come to the table, despite having four members who enjoy union benefits.
“This board needs to be reminded that when they take on CUPE, they take on all of CUPE,” says Gnreux. “We’ll be here until this board meets with us and this is settled.”