CUPE represents over 400,000 care workers who work as personal support workers, licensed practical nurses, early childhood educators, childcare workers, educational assistants, social workers, developmental services workers, cleaners, food services workers and maintenance workers.
Care workers face exploitation and precarious contracts and are forced to survive on poverty wages. The cost-of-living crisis is making things even harder for many care workers. Workers need significant wage increases right now to match the rising costs of food and energy bills.
CUPE continues to push for better wages and working conditions for care sector workers and better care services for all.
In a brief submitted to the federal Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities on April 8, 2022, CUPE called for concrete measures to improve wages and working conditions, including a $25 an-hour minimum wage for all federally funded care work. CUPE also called for an end to care service privatization, which harms service users and care workers.
And across the country, members are fighting for improved care services and decent work. For example, Ontario education workers are mobilizing for safe schools and better wages.
On October 29, let’s support care workers to ensure they are valued and have what they need to provide quality care to keep our communities healthy and safe.
Take action!
Check out the Canadian Labour Congress Show We Care campaign to fight for better working conditions for care workers and better care services for everyone!
Check out the Care Advocacy Guide and Activity Workbook from Public Services International
Learn more about CUPE’s brief on the care economy