About 100 protesters gathered to see Christine Fréchette, Minister of Economy, Innovation and Energy, in opposition to rate hikes and the privatization of electricity in Quebec. The minister was attending an event at the Hotel Bonaventure organized by the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal.
“The demonstrators let Minister Fréchette know that Quebecers want nothing of this outdated economic model, which only benefits private companies,” said Sophie Thiébaut of Attac-Québec, a citizens’ association working for fiscal, social and ecological justice.
“The CAQ wants tenants to pick up the bill, even though their rental homes are often poorly insulated! In Quebec, one in seven households cannot afford its electricity bill or does so by forgoing other basic needs. If Bill 69 is adopted as is, this unacceptable situation will just get worse,” said Émilie Laurin-Dansereau of the Association coopérative d’économie familiale (ACEF) du Nord de Montréal.
The Chœur de la transition de Montréal sang a song calling the CAQ government to order. “The denationalization of electricity was never part of the CAQ’s political platform. No one voted for this, and the government has no right to move forward with Bill 69. We don’t want this law!” said Louise Morand of the Regroupement vigilance énergie Québec.
Patrick Gloutney, president of SCFP-Québec, adamantly stated, “We will block the privatization of electric utilities!”
According to Jacques Benoit of GroupMobilisation, “Though we’re in the midst of a climate emergency, the economic and financial interests of the business world are taking precedence over human survival!”
The calm and friendly demonstration included performances of political songs and slogans that rallied and energized the protestors.