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(Vancouver) Forty-three CUPE DEVCO workers who are losing their jobs have received a huge financial pledge from delegates and staff attending the unions national convention in Vancouver this week.

The members of Local 2046 received over $14,000 in cash from the convention floor, and CUPE National will match this amount. Locals and divisions pledged an additional $97,000, for a total of $128,000 in donations.

Canada 3000 members, 1,500 of whom have also recently lost their jobs, became the heroes of the day when they graciously declined pledges of financial support, insisting it all go to the DEVCO workers.

For information:
Jacquie Bramwell, CUPE National Rep.
(902) 565-9736 (Cell)
John McCracken, CUPE Communications Representative
(902) 222-8457 (Cell) - (604) 647-7512 (o)