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CUPE is standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the workers across Canada impacted by the catastrophic changes made to the employment insurance system by Stephen Harper’s Conservative government.

I encourage Canadians to show their support for unemployed workers and their families by taking part in large numbers in the various demonstrations taking place across Canada this coming Saturday, April 27, against the EI reforms,” stated CUPE National President Paul Moist.

The Quebec coalition against employment insurance reform is planning a huge demonstration on April 27 in Montreal. The culmination of the mobilization campaign led by the Quebec coalition, this event bringing together workers from all over the province will start at noon at Place du Canada in downtown Montreal. The demonstrators from across Quebec will then start making their way to the large stage erected in the Quartier des Spectacles.

In parallel with this major event in Quebec, the Canadian Labour Congress, in conjunction with the Common Causes movement, is planning a series of demonstrations outside the offices of Members of Parliament serving on the House of Commons Standing Committee on Human Resources responsible for reviewing EI issues.

  • For information on the sites of the various demonstrations organized by the CLC, visit the “Unemployment Insurance” section of the CLC website .

Join us at these demonstrations in sending a clear and united message to Stephen Harper,” said Paul Moist. “Together, we are saying no to the gutting of employment insurance. For the sake of our workers, the Conservative government needs to do away with this destructive reform.”

Week of Action Kick-off

These events will kick off the Week of Action organized by Commons Causes against the whole anti-workers agenda of the Harper’s government.

From April 27 to May 4, we invite you to take action in your community against the conservative austerity measures. There will be locally organized events from coast to coast, including in Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and Halifax. We need to stand together to fight back.