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CUPE today donated $25,000 to Oxfam Canada to assist relief efforts in the Philippines following last week’s devastating typhoon.

“The thoughts of all CUPE members across Canada are with the people of the Philippines, and with all who have lost loved ones to this tragedy,” said Paul Moist, national president of CUPE.

CUPE also donated $5,000 to its sister organization in the Philippines, the Confederation for Unity, Recognition and Advancement of Government Employees (COURAGE) for its relief efforts on the island nation.

“We stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters, and all Filipinos affected by Typhoon Hayian,” said Charles Fleury, national secretary-treasurer of CUPE.

Typhoon Hayian is possibly the most powerful storm to ever hit land, and has left hundreds of thousands without shelter, clean water or safe sanitation.

CUPE is encouraging it’s over 627,000 members to contribute to relief efforts, by making donations to Oxfam Canada’s Philippines Typhoon Emergency Response. All individual donations made to registered Canadian charities by Dec. 9, 2013 will be matched by the federal government.

- Donate to Oxfam Canada’s Philippines Typhoon Emergency Response