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NORTH BAY – CUPE Local 146, the union representing health care and support workers at Cassellholme, Home For The Aged are now entering the third month of a community based campaign, designed to fight layoffs which are clearly hurting residents at the home.

While government funding for nursing homes has increased, management at the Cassellholme, Home For The Aged have seen fit to lay off staff and contract out services.

CUPE Local 146 has attempted to have North Bay Council intervene, but so far, to no avail. In fact, a member of Local 146 has been suspended for over five weeks now, for appearing before Council to speak about conditions at the home.

NDP candidate Terry O’Connor, former Secretary-Treasurer for CUPE Ontario, attempted to speak to the council last Monday, but was denied.

There have now been four information pickets, and four times, members have been to council.

The objective of the workers at Cassellholme is to make the employer accountable for where they spend government money - funding has increased from $97.28 per day per resident to $101.57 per day per resident in 2003 - this represents a 4.4% increase, yet the Board at Casslleholme points to funding shortfalls to justify their layoffs and contracting out. During the past five years, they have seen a decrease of eight full-time union staff, while Cassellholme has hired eight full-time management personnel.

Information Picket
Monday, April 14, 2003
Cassellholme, 400 Olive Street (in front of building)
Community members and workers

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For More Information:
Pam Zygmont, President, CUPE Local 146
Jo-Ann Breton, CUPE National Representative
Neil Walker, CUPE Communications