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WINNIPEG, MB.Paul Moist, national president of Canada’s largest union, officially opens the 22nd biennial convention of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) today in Winnipeg.

Moist, former president of CUPE Manitoba and CUPE 500 representing Winnipeg municipal workers, will lead delegates through convention as they debate, mobilize and invigorate the union’s campaign to build strong communities across the country. Over 2,000 delegates and staff have gathered in Winnipeg, representing workers who provide public services for all Canadians.

Communities Day” falls in the middle of convention week on Oct. 5. Delegates will march and rally in recognition of the role public services play in keeping our communities strong and reducing poverty.

WHAT: CUPE National Convention
WHERE: Winnipeg Convention Centre
WHEN: Oct. 3-7, 2005

Both National President Moist and National Secretary-Treasurer Claude Généreux will be available for media interviews throughout the convention.


  • Gary Doer, Premier of Manitoba, speaking on Mon., Oct. 3 at 9:30 a.m.
  • Dr. Linda Rae Murray, speaking on Tues., Oct. 4 at 9:30 a.m.
  • Communities Day Rally and March, Wed., Oct. 5 at 12 noon (march from Convention Centre to Memorial Park)
  • Ken Georgetti, CLC president, speaking on Wed., Oct. 5 at 2 p.m.
  • Jack Layton, NDP Leader, speaking on Thurs., Oct. 6 at 2 p.m.

The Canadian Union of Public Employees represents more than 540,000 women and men. CUPE members work in health care, education, municipalities, social services, electrical utilities, airlines and more.

The full convention schedule is available at cupe.ca.


David Robbins
CUPE communications
(613) 878-1431 (cell)