People in front of a building with signs and flags

In response to a letter Saskatchewan’s Minister of Health has been sharing with health care workers, CUPE 5430 President Bashir Jalloh penned an open letter to condemn the dismissive and problematic message from the Minister.

“We met with the Minister and shared our cost-of-living report. The findings were crystal clear – health care workers are struggling and need help,” said Bashir Jalloh. “It’s incredibly frustrating that the Minister not only chose not to listen but is now writing health care workers to minimize their concerns and suggest that his government has done enough to address the cost-of-living crisis. That is unequivocally not the case.”

In light of this dismissive and inaccurate letter the Minister has been sharing with CUPE health care workers, Jalloh sent the attached letter today.

Read Jalloh’s letter here.

CUPE 5430 represents over 13,000 health service providers working for the Saskatchewan Health Authority and affiliates in five major classification areas: clerical, technical, nursing, support, and plant operations.