Canada’s largest union, the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), and other labour unions representing workers across Canada will be on Parliament Hill on Tuesday, September 19 to rally for strong federal anti-scab legislation.

“Generations of labour activists have fought for legislation that brings some balance back to the workers’ side during labour disputes, and now it’s time to bring it home,” said Mark Hancock, CUPE’s National President. “Anti-scab legislation has been proven to reduce the length and frequency of strikes in lockouts in Quebec and BC. We know it works, now it’s time to get it done at the federal level.”

“For way too long corporations and big employers have been given free pass by the government to crush workers’ rights by hiring scabs during lockouts and strikes,” said Candace Rennick, CUPE’s National Secretary-Treasurer. “Workers are counting on this minister and this government to make good on their promise, and take a stand for working people.”

Speakers will include Hancock and Rennick, as well as Lily Chang, Canadian Labour Congress Secretary-Treasurer, NDP MP Alexandre Boulerice. 

The rally will begin at 11:30AM and continue into the afternoon.