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Please note that this page is from our archives. There may be more up-to-date content about this topic on our website. Use our search engine to find out.

Now you can sound off on any item you read on the CUPE web site. In addition to soliciting private email about the content on our web site, were now inviting and posting public comments on any item on our site.

People will have comments, criticism, suggestions for further reading and action and stories to tell.

Speak your mind. Start a conversation.

We will be adding more interactive features to the site in the next while, but heres one thats ready now. Look for the “Comment on this Article” link on each page, under the Search form.

A word of warning: we will be removing comments we deem to violate the CUPE equality statement. We want our web site to be a useful tool for all members and a welcoming source of information for the public.