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Cochrane – Emergency Medical Services employees with the Town of Cochrane will get a 10 per cent raise over the next three years after giving the nod to a new contract.

The 30 paramedics and emergency medical technicians are members of the Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 3421.

“Our members are very happy with the contract,” said Marlin Glaspey, spokesperson for CUPE Local 3421. “We had a list of priorities going to the bargaining table, and we achieved most of what our members were seeking,” he said.

The continued development of Fire and EMS integration presented several challenges for the bargaining table. After resolving many of these issues, the CUPE members voted to accept the new contract on Monday and the Town of Cochrane officials approved it at a meeting last night. The agreement was reached on April 2 after four days at the bargaining table.

“We were able to resolve many issues around EMS and Fire training and responsibilities. We used a problem solving approach at the bargaining table, and it worked well for us,” said Glaspey.

The new contract also includes premium increases for extra duties, more money for paramedic clothing, such as dress uniforms for full-time employees, and more money for staff development.

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CUPE is Canada’s largest union with over half a million women and men who provide public services. In Alberta, CUPE’s 32,000 members work in health care, municipalities, schools, colleges, universities, libraries, emergency medical services, social services and casinos. Visit our CUPE websites for more information www.cupe.ca and www.cupealberta.ab.ca

For information:
Marlin Glaspey (403) 282-2520 or (403) 932-2901