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Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada

LAssociation canadienne pour la promotion des services

de garde 006cenfance

323, rue Chapel Street, Ottawa Ontario, K1N 7Z2

Tel./Tl0020: (613) 594-3196 Fax/Tlcopieur (613) 594-9375

E-Mail/Courriel : ccaac@istar.ca Web Site/Site Web : www.childcareadvocacy.ca

Send A Memo to Manley

The federal government is preparing a spring budget for 2003/2004. It will be released in February 2003. The Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada is calling on advocates to send a clear message to the federal Finance Minister, Hon. John Manley, that its time to make child care a priority.

How to do it?

Copy and paste A Memo to Manley in this message.

Add in a subject heading e.g., Message from a Voter.

Add your name and address and e-mail your message to Hon. John Manley at Manley.J@parl.gc.ca {or fax to Hon. John Manley at (613) 995-1534}.

Share this with other child care advocates and encourage them to add their voices too.

A Memo to Manley

Its time for the federal government to make quality child care a priority. I call on you to:

1. Commit to a new action plan to develop a comprehensive child care system starting with $1 billion in 2003/04; $2.2 billion in 20004/05; $3.2 billion in 2005/06; and $4.5 billion in 2006/07 for a total of 10.9 billion over the first four years.

2. Develop a consistent provincial/territorial agreement that requires all

provinces /territories to use the designated federal funds solely for building

a comprehensive child care system.

3. Develop provincial/territorial agreements so that all of Canada’s children, regardless of their family’s income level, geographical location, or employment status will have access to: a range of regulated, high quality, inclusive, and affordable child care programs in their own community.

4. Require that each province/territorial government will work with the

appropriate public sector bodies, aboriginal peoples and/or community based

organizations to plan and to provide regionally responsive and accountable child care services.
