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With a federal budget expected in February, 90 per cent of Canadians say they want a nationally coordinated child care plan and 86 per cent want a publicly-funded child care system that makes quality child care available to all Canadian children.

These are some of the initial findings of a poll conducted for the Canadian Child Care Federation and the Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada.

“Canadians are sending a loud and clear signal that they view the creation of a national, publicly funded child care plan as a high priority,” says Association spokesperson Maryann Bird. “The Canadian government ought to show that it has received this message by making a substantial, multi-year commitment to such a plan in the upcoming budget.”

Bird also notes, “Canada has fallen behind almost all OECD countries in providing child care. Even the U.S. is moving ahead of us on this. It’s time we caught up. Canada should be a leader not a laggard.”

“People overwhelmingly recognize the importance of quality child care to our economy,” says Federation spokesperson Sandra Griffin. “We’ll only get the quality we need from regulated settings with well-trained and well-paid staff.”