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TRURO, NS - CUPE Nova Scotia President Danny Cavanagh says the Canadian Taxpayers’ Federation (CTF) is distorting figures and misleading Nova Scotians about a provincial government plan to bring some highway work in house,

THE CTF would like to see workers making ten dollars an hour with no benefits and no pensions.  They are not interested in seeing people being able to earn a living wage or being able to retire with some dignity.  They have a simplistic outlook on everything which boils down to, ‘public bad, private good’, says Cavanagh.

We are also a little disappointed, but not surprised, at the reaction from the Road Builders Association to a government plan that will save taxpayers close to $5 million. I guess they are not too interested in saving taxpayers money,” he says.

Nova Scotia highway workers and the Department of Transportation are more than capable of getting this work done and saving money in the process,” says Cavanagh.

The provincial government initiative would bring a small percentage of the province’s asphalt and chip seal work in house.

For more information, contact:

Danny Cavanagh    
CUPE N.S. President   
(902) 957-0822 (cell)  

John McCracken
CUPE Communications Representative
(902) 455-4180