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The Canadian labour movement has launched a national boycott campaign against Conrad Black’s National Post to bring pressure on Black to settle the five-week old strike at the Calgary Herald.

Black has drawn a line in the sand,” said CLC president Ken Georgetti, condemning Black’s use of scabs and his refusal to negotiate basic conditions 006c0069006be seniority rights 007400680061t have existed in other newsrooms across the country for over 50 years.

This boycott gives the Calgary strikers the tools they need to put pressure on Conrad Black across the country to resolve this dispute,” said Georgetti. “The National Post is being used to break this strike and we’re calling on our membership to put pressure on the Post in support of the strikers.”

The 230 members of CEP Local 115A and GCIU Local 54M, representing journalists and distribution workers, have been on strike since November 8. For more information on the dispute, you can visit www.savetheherald.com.

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