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Montra006c, Monday, September 22, 2003 The Montreal blue collar workers Union (CUPE 301) is organizing weekly demonstrations, hoping to get back to serious bargaining with the City. These gatherings, referred to as Gloomy Tuesday, will be held in strategic locations every Tuesday at the end of the day. The blue collar workers want to express their discontent and determination to obtain a fair settlement that will satisfy both parties.

The union accuses the Tremblay administration of not respecting the terms of the financial framework agreement concluded on July 9. On Tuesday, following an about face by the employers negotiators, union negotiators realized they were at an impasse and were forced to break off talks. The blue collar workers hope these demonstrations will convince Mayor Tremblay he should respect his promise and the agreement concluded between the parties this summer.

Each week, buses will leave from three rallying points:

  • The Maxi parking lot (close to the unions office on Papineau)
  • The Fairview Centre parking lot in Pointe-Claire (close to La Baie)
  • The Dorval Shopping Centre (close to Dunkin Donuts).

CUPE represents some 70 per cent of all municipal employees in Qub0065c. In addition to municipalities, CUPE is active in 10 other sectors in Qub0065c including health and social services, education, urban and air transportation, hydroelectricity, provincial corporations and public organizations and communications. With close to 100,000 members in Qub0065c, it is the largest FTQ affiliate

This press release and other information are posted on the internet at scfp.qc.ca
