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British Columbia’s Labour Relations Board has issued a decision dismissing all raid applications submitted by the BC Nurses’ Union to represent LPNs who are members of the Hospital Employees Union (CUPE) and other unions.

Today’s ruling confirms what the vast majority of LPNs have told us all along – they want to remain united and independent within HEU, where they can continue to advocate for their own, unique professional interests,” says HEU secretary-business manager Judy Darcy.

In dismissing each of BCNU’s seven separate raid applications, the Board has made it crystal clear that BCNU could not garner enough support for its raid in even a single health region, let alone on a province-wide basis.”

Darcy says she is hopeful that today’s unequivocal decision by the LRB will give the BCNU leadership an opportunity to reconsider their direction and abandon their divisive tactics in the future.

As colleagues in health care, HEU and BCNU members share common values and objectives that are worth preserving,” says Darcy.

Now it’s time to focus on the work that unites our members on the health care team.”