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At a time when Ontarians are in desperate need of economic recovery, Premier Dalton McGuinty is recommending nearly 400 different cuts to jobs and public services in Ontario.  These cuts will jeopardize every aspect of society:  from health care to full-day kindergarten to pensions.

At the same time, he refuses to make corporations and the most wealthy pay their fair share  – money that could be used to create new jobs and protect our social safety net.

On April 21, CUPE members will join with workers, community members, students and retirees  from across Ontario in a mass rally at Queen’s Park from 3:00 to 5:00pm.  We will tell Premier McGuinty that he cannot cut his way to economic prosperity, that Ontarians need a job creation strategy, and that it’s time that banks and corporations paid their fare share.

What you can do: