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Keep your web site up to date with the latest postings from cupe.ca. Put a couple of lines of code into your web page and your site will automatically retrieve the latest headlines from the CUPE national web site with links to the latest stories.

All you have to do is put the following line of code in your web page:
<script language="javascript" src="http://lb.cupe.ca/cgi-bin/cupenews.pl"></script>

Here is some sample output.

This line of code executes a PERL script on the CUPE web server which retrieves the latest headlines and includes them in your document. You do not need to have the ability to execute scripts or CGIs on your web server to use this feature.

This feature uses an XML-based technology called “Rich Site Summary” to create an RDF file. If you know what I’m talking about and your server supports it, you can access the file directly at http://cupe.ca/xml/cupenews.rdf

CUPE updates its national web site every day, often more than once. For not a lot of effort, the CUPE newswire will allow you to keep your site that up to date too.

Web architects, a UK web design and development company originally developed the script for Labourstart, an international labour news web site which offers an international labour news headline service.