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TORONTO Members of Toronto Civic Employees Union Local 416 (CUPE) have overwhelming voted to return Brian Cochrane to the presidency of Local 416. Cochrane has been President since the creation of Local 416 in 1998. It is truly an honour to have the continued support of the membership, said Brian Cochrane.

Local 416 represents approximately 10,000 members comprised of City of Toronto Outside Workers, Toronto Public Library workers, Port Authority employees and Toronto Parking Authority employees.

Given the outcome of the recent municipal elections, it is our sincere hope that we will be able to vastly improve the negative labour relations atmosphere that has plagued the city since amalgamation.

All the members of the current Executive Committee, were returned to office along with Cochrane. Having a stable and responsible executive will be of great benefit during this time of change in the city.


For further information please contact:
James Chai
CUPE Communications

Karen McNama
CUPE National Representative
416-917-0166 (Cell)