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CUPE Alberta President thanks Pannu, welcomes Mason

CALGARY - Ralph Klein is going to have his hands full with Brian Mason.

That was the verdict of CUPE Alberta President Bruce McLeod. McLeod was reacting to the announcement that Raj Pannu was stepping down as leader of the Alberta New Democrats and the appointment of Brian Mason to the position.

“Brian Mason is one of the most effective opposition politicians in Alberta’s history,” said McLeod. “He has put auto insurance, deregulation, and BSE compensation on the front pages and caused the Conservative government a lot of grief.”

McLeod called the small number of opposition MLAs in the Alberta legislature ‘unhealthy’ and predicted Mason could reverse that trend.

“Alberta needs more opposition MLAs, and Mason’s the guy to deliver them.”

“Given the recent bizarre behavior coming from the Premier, I think the NDs can make some real gains.”

McLeod paid tribute to Raj Pannu.

“Raj united the NDP in Alberta,” said McLeod. “He took over a party divided and in need of direction. He gave the party that direction.”

“Since Pannu became leader, the ND’s have been more professional and credible. The profile of the party has risen dramatically with increased memberships and fundraising.”

“Albertans should thank Raj for his dedication to us all.”
